Heat in Corfu

Heat in Corfu

Heat in Corfu

Revisiting memories of our stay in Corfu. Barely a year ago, the world looked and felt quite different.

Hopping across the Canary Islands

A two weeks break to the beautiful and diverse Canaries - from lush green forests to wind battered desert scapes and, of course, some quality beach time.

An arctic getaway in Tromsø

A quick and short gateway to Tromsø, the Norwegian entrance to the arctic. A bit of cold, a tad of bad luck, a lot of money, an enchanting experience.

Surf vibes in Weligama

Fun times and beach vibes in beautiful Weligama, Sri Lanka's gorgeous surf spot. Long boards, great food, endless sunsets, crazy trains and old forts.

A Safari in Udawalawe

To escape the dullness of Austrian winter we decided to do a quick getaway to sunny Sri Lanka. Elephant safari included.

Santorini - An Atlantean Tale

Amidst the white cobble and the blue roofs an unexpected sighting opens up a question: What could Santorini and the lost Atlantis have in common?

Kathmandu - Nepal's frantic capital

Kathmandu is a strange geocultural alloy where the busyness of Asian cities meets the climate of the central Andes - sprinkled with the colors and customs of Hindu culture.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in 7 Days

We did the ABC trek in late December 2017 (Christmas time). Although technically winter, the weather was surprisingly sunny, resulting in stunning views.

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek

The Poon Hill trek is an easy and rewarding hike in the Annapurna ranges. Mountain air, tea house lodging and spectacular views included.

Vienna Hiking - Schneeberg

Schneeberg - at 2076 meters this is the highest peak in lower Austria. We did the classic tour from Losenheim to the summit over Fadensteig.

Hawaii Helicopter tours - The essential guide

Doing a helicopter flight over Hawaii's islands is a unique (and expensive) way of experiencing the tropical archipelago.

Molokini crater and the turtle town

Chasing sea turtles in Hawaii! Some snapshots and a short video of our snorkeling trip to the Molokini crater and Turtle Town.

Looking for giants in Waimea

We ended up at the exact spot I was dreaming about more than a decade ago - the mythical North shore of Oahu.

Family time on Maui

The island has everything you could desire from a tropical get away, lush green scenery, crystal clear blue oceans, tropical fish, and sunshine for hours!

Exploring Cinque Terre

Exploring one of the most famous, and probably most photographed Italian UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Easter craziness in Florence

The sinister quote from Dante's Inferno might begin to resonate with you should you find yourself visiting Florence unprepared during Easter.

Girls weekend in Stockholm

Finally the girls’ weekend was here. I could not wait to hop on the airplane and head off to Sweden to meet Jayne and Georgina.

Island time on the Seychelles

Book a holiday – Yes! Island Paradise – Yes! Expensive – well, possibly... Worth it – Yes! Was there anything that would make us say no to this island adventure?

Traunsee - Mountain blues and greens

The lakes you see have this distinctive green tinge that changes when the sun hits. To stop by one of them automatically calms your mind, body and soul.

Auckland Skydive

We were sitting at the dining table some time after dinner, and I'm not quite sure how the discussion started, but the twist it took midway and the outcome of it all I definitely didn't see coming.

Take a squizz at our Kiwi adventure

Our sweet as Kiwi adventure started out with us being extremely knackered and heading out into the wop-wops for cuppa tea.

Takaka - Between rock and a hippie place

Finally back to NZ! First stop: Dirtbag days at Golden Bay. This time without Nikki, much to her relief probably.

Treats, Sweats and Eats in Budapest

This is one amazing city to visit with its vibrant outlook and positive attitude. Where can you go wrong?

Climbing a la Viennese

Although the city itself is flat as a pancake there is plenty of alpine adventure to be found around the Austrian capital.

Umbrellas in Agueda

Bright, Vibrant, Rich Parasols, Umbrellas and Brollys! Welcome to the umbrella festival in the little city of Agueda.

Honey I'm off to Zillertal...

"We are stopping over in Austria for one reason, and one reason only. Climbings crags. In the Alps. Now". Well, so be it then.

Lisbon - Fado in the sun

Get caught up in the enchantment and flow of this one of a kind city. A place that will leave a melody in your ears and a drumming in your heart.

The Algarves

Off to the golden beaches and turquoise waters of the southern tip of Portugal! The Algarves are a kickass journey you must make!

The Prague Getaway

We went to Prague for a weekend getaway. The great city on the Vlatava sure left a strong and lasting impression.

Skiing in Zillertal

We went deep into the Austrian Alps for some skiing and although being a bit terrifying, this whole skiing thing ended up being really fun! Who knew??

Treading on limestone

Peilstein only reaches a height of 716 meters and as such it might not be the most impressive rock formation. But first looks can be deceiving.

First Snow

Snow! Snow! Snow! This is my first adult experience of snow and I could not believe it. This might not be too bad after all.

A Viennese Christmas

A little bit of reflection on the past year while enjoying the treats and venues of the traditional Viennese Christmas.

Vienna hiking - Moenichskirchen

While sitting out the winter we decided to boost morale with a little series called "Remember the time...?". In the first episode: "Remember the time we went to Mönichskirchen?"

Winter's coming

How to cope with the bleak onset of winter, especially when things in general don't seem to be running smoothly? Sometimes dire times require drastic actions.

Spraying the walls

"And even if you don't come up with a picture to cure world poverty you can make someone smile while they're having a piss."

Gaudi's vision

Barcelona is a city full of culture, fun and Gaudi. If you don’t know anything about Gaudi – the one thing you need to know that he is architecture.

Centuries in the making - La Sagrada Familia

This basilicat will make an impression on you the moment you walk out of the underground station and see this massive feat of architectural brilliance.

Barcelona's Gothic Quarters

My advice is to visit the quarters completely unprepared and without a map. Feeling lost in this medieval backdrop is quite a sensation.

A day at Park Guell

Situated on the Carmelo hill overlooking the city, Park Güell is an environmental, cultural and architectural refuge.

La Boqueria - Food Fiesta in Barcelona

Food, oh glorious Food. Never in my life have I seen such great food in a market. It was time to eat, and eat I was going to do!

Come rain, come shine

If you have been planing your visit to a certain place or country for a long time, the anticipation of rain can be demoralizing. All a matter of perspective.

Medieval Spain in Besalu

It is not hard to come across medieval sites and buildings all throughout Catalunya, but only few of those can compete with Besalu.

Begur village - Costa Brava's hidden treasure

Hidden in the backcountry of Catalunya and tucked away from the main tourist hubs of the Costa Brava, lies the old township of Begur.

Dive down into the House of the Sea

A WW2 flak tower is usually not what you would associate with an aquarium and rock climbing. Well, at least if you haven't been to Vienna.

Beautiful Plitvice Lakes National Park

Looking at the blue green clear waters while walking the boardwalks through the park creates the feeling that you are floating on air.

Back to the island of Korcula

We decided to spend a day in this old medieval town at the Dalmation coast. For some of us a first, for others not quite.

Makarska - The horseshoe shaped Bay

Crystal clear waters, hot days and nights and Peter Andre look-alikes. Welcome to Makarska.

Bosnia - of Dragons and Pyramids

The first stop on our little tour of the Balkans. Anything goes here, even pyramids in the middle of Europe... The food is good though!

A sunny afternoon at the Vienna Prater

B's Birthday was the main reason for the visit to The Prater which is Vienna’s only theme park ... well maybe it wasn’t the only reason.

Schönbrunn - Eine ideale Heimat für Nikki

My first cultural introduction to Vienna was Schönbrunn Castle and I wish I lived there ... Daddy I want a castle!

Balloon Ride over the Masai Mara

Time for luxury - champagne breakfasts in the National Park, hot air balloon rides and safari tents!

Naivasha - Going through the gates of Hell

A day of mountainbiking through the Hell's Gate National Park in Naivasha.

Riding the Nile in Jinja

It's scary, and brutal and you will probably feel close to drowning. But apart from that it's great fun!

The Mountain Gorillas of Bwindi

Nothing can prepare you for the silver back. His mass and sheer size seems to be palpable in the air.

Pygmy's and their inhibitors

Our visit to a pygmy village in Uganda took a very unexpected turn. It was fascinating and shocking, but mostly sad.

Only the strong in the Serengeti

Even off season this iconic African national park will not disapoint. Just be prepared to go "dirty".

The lost world of Ngorongoro

Ngorongoro is a magical place and is in season all year. And there's a bonus - The Maasai

A bit under par on Zanzibar

The scenery on the African dream island is just as fantastic as you would imagine. Other things not so much.

Malawi Gold

The lake, sceneries and artiseries were more than stunning, but this is not what made this country stand out so much.

A Zebra in Zambia

"Nics, be quiet, there’s something big in front of our tent, I think it might be an elephant"

Falling down the Victoria Falls

Although not the authentic African experience, Vic Falls has a lot to offer. We decided to pat some cats and jump down some cliffs.

Botswana – Land of the giants

Potholes, cows, elephants, gay bars and a good time. Welcome to Botswana.

Close encounters in Zimbabwe

"You might not realize it, but this is a completely wild elephant bull standing just a couple of meters away"

Addo Elephant National Park

Our two hours visit to the Addo national park was packed with animal sightings. We even caught some rare ones.

Claustrophobia in the Cango Caves

It was time get rid of some irrational fears in the South African limestone caves. Or not.

A day in the life of an ostrich

For those of you who are not too familiar with ostriches: an ostrich is the world largest bird. It is also flightless.

Surf vibes at J-Bay

"It's like the mafia. Once you're in - your in. There's no getting out". - Kelly Slater.

Cape Town - Gates to Africa

Some impressions from our stay in the iconic South African city. It is hard not to like Cape Town.

Groomzilla and the bridesmaids

One of my best friend's wedding in the Adelaide Hills was both, beautiful and chaotic.

A beach day in Adelaide

During our chaotic trip to Adelaide we decided to unwind by spending the day on the beach.

Auckland - City of volcanoes

Auckland - Usually referred to as the "City of Sails", only few know it is also the "City of Volcanoes". For us it was also home.

Rotorua - Thermal Wonderland

This highly active geothermal area that spans from Rotorua to Taupo will probably affect all of your senses.

The last high tea

The last high tea in NZ. Thanks to all my friends and family for coming to say 'Bon voyage'. I will see you all again soon!

Tongariro Alpine Crossing

Should you ever find yourself in the central area of New Zealand's North Island, Tongariro should be on the top of your list.

Time to celebrate

Turning 28 was making me feel old and tired, so I decided to get spoiled instead. Luckily my family, friends and boyfriend were there to help me.

The coastlines of New Zealand

A small photo series about some of the amazing beaches and coastal lines we came across in New Zealand.

Anniversary ... Say What?

I knew I loved you since the moment I set eyes on that great big house… Dining out at the DEPOT restaurant in Auckland.

Be Enchanted - Immerse yourself in the magic!

As we journey back through the spectacular illumination of lanterns, and feast on Chinese delicacies at Albert Park, we relive our first date.

Coromandel Pinnacles - Is this hut for real?

Had we just stepped into The Lord Of The Rings set? Hiking up the beautiful Coromandel Pinnacles track.

Almost Magical & Majestical Waikaremoana

Hiking lake Waikaremoana, one of the 5 New Zealand Great Walks. Almost as magical and majestical as described.

Weekend Escapism

Escaping the office on the weekends to pursue more adventurous activities.

Mulu National Park - Borneo

Visiting Mulu National World Heritage Area is like journeying into Jurassic Park (without the dinosaurs of course).

Monkey Business

Going down the Kinabatangan river, in Sabah, Borneo, in search of the Proboscic monkies.

Climbing Mount Kinabalu

Climbing Borneo's highest peak and the prospects of hypothermia on a tropical island.

Go, go, to Rangitoto!

"B let's go to Rangitoto!" I said as we sat in the Belgim Beer cafe in Mission Bay. As he skulled back the beer he gave a little smile and said "Let's go, go, to Rangitoto!"

A Tipi or a Tent? - Attempt at climbing Taranaki

Easter weekend 2013. The goal: To climb Mount Taranaki (Egmont) and to stay in a Tipi tent at Solscape in Raglan